Lucio Fulci returns, this time with a tale of an old man who is being psychically controlled by a killer cat. Leave it to Mr. Fulci to stick to the narrow minded cliches. The film opens with a mysterious car accident caused by a BLACK CAT, and from there follows a photographer as she slowly (SLOWLY) pieces together an explanation for a few recent murders and connects them to a BLACK CAT. She suspects a man who claims to have psychic powers, but who is seemingly being controlled by his BLACK CAT. As she gets closer to solving the mystery, she not only stumbles into more fake bats (Fulci loves those guys), but she accidentally re-enacts a scene from Fulci's The Psychic, which itself was re-enacting a scene from Edgar Allen Poe.
Seriously this film is slightly amazing, due in no small part to the fact that the killer cat in question NEVER looks threatening! Basically this movie is like watching a CG heavy film before the CG is put in...actors reacting to nothing. The scenes where the cat kills look hilarious, because Fulci never quite communicates what happens, but it somehow leads to death. A man sees a BLACK CAT in his car and drives off a cliff, a couple try to have sex in a boathouse and get locked in a room and suffocate at the paws of a BLACK CAT, another man sees a BLACK CAT and gets freaked out so he tries to walk across some boards at a construction site, sees the BLACK CAT again, gets scratched by said CAT, and falls on spikes Mortal Kombat style.
This movie is so bad that it is actually fun to watch, and Fulci scored high marks for trying to create a Giallo with a cat...and fake bats!
F for Fair
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
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